Climate Pets for Climate Justice
September 16, 2022

At Climate Pets, we’re all about creating a community of climate positive cats and dogs that has the power to tackle global warming and change the world for the better.

We are putting a lot of work into offering top quality sustainable guidance, accredited carbon offsetting and world-leading reforestation initiatives. But we want to do more. Drawing on the passion and expertise of the team, with each membership to Climate Pets, we fund local organisations that work tirelessly for climate justice.

Taking action for climate justice

Why have we decided to take this extra step for climate justice?

For years, Climate Pet’s co-founders Cyril and Jacob have worked with grassroots nonprofits helping communities to access human rights and build safe and stable futures. Cyril and Jacob have witnessed the benefits that small, grassroots projects can have. These projects are often much more responsive, agile and locally representative. They recognise the most pressing issues and respond to them in a way that’s led by the community. Their impact can be huge. Both Cyril and Jacob want to make it possible for the Climate Pets community to turbocharge the impact these groups have all across the world!

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With our Climate Justice initiatives, we also want to recognise how interconnected the struggle for climate justice is. To build a green, sustainable future, we must also address the imbalances and injustices that are the legacy of imperialism, patriarchy and capitalism. There is no green future without women’s rights. There is no green future without racial equality. There is no green future without an end to poverty.

How to support climate justice initiatives

So, when you sign up to Climate Pets, you and your pet will also help fund some of the world’s most exciting and respected grassroots projects addressing a whole range of challenges aiding climate justice: from refugee rights to land rights, from global health to girls’ education, digital equity to good governance. We’ll be supporting new projects monthly and sharing the stories and successes of these organisations with our community members.

Not a Climate Pets member yet? Sign up today and join Climate Pets for Climate Justice!

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